Pauline Claramunt Torche
Urban Planner / Architect
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What I do

Experienced in architectural and participatory design, data analysis, project management, and community engagement. Interested in projects involving resilient planning, sustainable development, community and equitable economic development, mapping, and spatial analysis.

Participatory Design

An architect and urban planner by training, with extensive experience in participatory design, co-creation processes and community outreach.


Designed advanced spatial analysis and maps to communicate complex information, and worked with a variety of data sources such as Census Data, Satellite Imagery and OpenStreetMap.

Research & Teaching

Developed multiple research-based projects for NGOs and Academic institutions in Chile and the United States, and vastly participated as guest lecturer and critic for undergraduate and graduate level.

Selected Projects

Mapping | Urban Planning | Architecture

Gowanus Commons
Resilient Communities
Measuring social vulnerability
Advanced GIS and mapping
Mapping Municipalities at Risk in Puerto Rico
Advanced GIS and mapping
Eusebio Lillo Community Space
Urban Design and Participatory Design
Green Terraces Community Project
Local Climate Adaptation
Valle de Azapa Community Center
Participatory Design


Articles| Publications | Essays

Rethinking Urban Mobility and Public Space: A Visual Translation.
Visual Op-ed, New York
Resource-extraction, urban infrastructure, and resilient planning
Addressing the impact of the LNG industry in Soyo, Angola.
Dormant infrastructures and tourism decay
Shelly Beach Mombasa, Kenya
Developing intercultural education strategies for Pehuenche communities in Chile.
Vivienda Resiliente y la Nueva Agenda Azul.
Climate Adaptation
Seguridad Climática: Reducción de Riesgos desde la Adaptación.
Climate Adaptation


I’m an urban planner and architect with over eight years of professional experience in participatory design, data analysis, local climate adaptation, and community engagement. I hold an MS. degree in Urban Planning from Columbia University and an Architect professional degree from Universidad de Chile.

I am passionate about community based projects and the use of urban planning strategies to advance equity and social justice, and projects involving resilient planning, sustainable development, mapping, and spatial analysis. I have worked with the private sector, international development agencies, local governments, and non-profit organizations focusing on vulnerable communities. Among my work, I have developed projects and research in Chile, United States, Angola, Mozambique, Dominican Republic, and Puerto Rico, and I am currently working in New York City.


I'm available for consulting services, map-making, research and teaching. Please get in touch for inquiries and availability: pauline.claramunt.torche at gmail dot com

Copyright © Pauline Claramunt Torche 2020